Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 12: How to make fashion illustration bookmark

When I was making watercolor card for my Etsy shop, I have plenty of recycle watercolor paper that couldn't be cut into 4*5 or 5*7 but I did't want to waste it. The size is 3*10 and it is perfect for a bookmark. I'm tired of traditional bookmarks so came up with the idea of making your own bookmark. You can choose whatever you found pretty and cute. I chose to draw fashion illustration because I can create different textures of the dress as I want. The metallics paints make the dress really pop out and all the watercolor paints can be purchased at Michaels or other craft stores. I was been really conservative about the color of the dress however you should try different colors of the dress that you've always been dreaming to try on since you was a little girl. 

Even the paper books have been almost replaced by the digital books, it still feels good to read a great book huddling up in the coach. 

 All rights reserved by YubinArt

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